
Tool Name Dezgo
Publisher Stable Diffusion AI
Released September 17, 2013
Price $10/month
Users 3M
5/5 - (1 vote)

Dezgo, a state-of-the-art platform powered by Stable Diffusion AI, is changing the game in how we approach image manipulation. Providing a diverse array of advanced tools and models, Dezgo is the ultimate destination for all your image-related needs.

Introducing Game-Changing Features

Among the recent enhancements to Dezgo is the highly anticipated “background removal” feature. This intuitive tool enables users to effortlessly eliminate backgrounds from their images with a simple click. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or an aspiring enthusiast, this feature is a game-changer, available both as a standalone function and an option on XL models.

Unleashing Creativity with the New XL Model

The introduction of the new XL model “Tshirt Design Redmond” is set to inspire creative minds. Unleash your imagination and effortlessly create stunning t-shirt designs. This model is accessible in both Free and Power Modes, catering to users of all skill levels.

Seamless Customization with the “Shop” Button

Dezgo now offers a user-friendly “Shop” Button, allowing you to order custom prints directly from the platform. If you stumble upon an image you love, easily customize it onto various products such as t-shirts, mugs, and more.

Leading the Way in Image Generation

When it comes to generating images based on text descriptions, Dezgo stands out as an industry leader. Powered by Stable Diffusion AI, specifically the CreativeML Open RAIL-M, Dezgo offers users a seamless experience. From defining the desired look of the final image to selecting AI models like DreamShaper 8 (general), users can explore a range of options in Power Mode.


Dezgo continues to push boundaries and inspire users to unleash their creativity through its cutting-edge features and models. Whether you seek to enhance images, craft unique designs, or order personalized prints, Dezgo provides a comprehensive solution. Step into the realm of advanced image manipulation with Dezgo today.